How to Choose the Perfect BPO Vendor

6. LINGERING CHALLENGES Of course, no business operation or relationship is perfect. Any of the above problems could be a temporary blip on the radar screen. If dissatisfaction with your vendor has been called out and solutions have been applied, any temporary challenge will not last. The ones that don't resolve should be taken as warning signs. How long is too long? This depends on the problem and the circumstances, considering short-term and long-term goals. In most cases, six months is a fair length of time to give a vendor to work out a kink. This timeframe could be longer or shorter depending on the scope of the challenge and the proportions of its solution. One thing's for sure, the longer problems continue, the more costly the damage.



Now that we've identified a few of the main warning signs that it may be time to consider hiring a new BPO, let's focus on what to do to correct the course.

You have a couple of options:

• One, you can terminate your existing vendor relationship and find a new vendor. • Or two, you can correct the shortcomings and continue with your current vendor.

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