Success Strategies to Manage and Navigate Change

Buy-in, Buy-in, Buy-in

For a CM initiative to work, company-wide buy-in must be cultivated before the initiative starts. And this buy-in must be maintained at every step of the process. Buy-in is earned. But remember, buy-in can be fleeting. Buy-in is based on a relationship of trust. When it comes to change, most people lean toward skeptical to begin with. Trust must be earned. How Do You Earn Trust? A solid plan of attack. Clear communication. Empathy. Inclusion. Intelligence. Being realistic around setbacks and victories. Transparency throughout the process. And treating people with respect. By the way, gaining buy-in through building trust doesn't mean you are asking permission to effect these changes. It simply means you're being transparent as possible about your solid plan and the reasons behind it. And when you engage others for input, whether you use it or not, you're showing that they have been heard and that you understand. This strengthens relationships and builds trust.


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