Success Strategies to Manage and Navigate Change

Your Step-by-Step Guide For Managing Change In The Contact Center Identify Reasons for Large-Scale Change Getting clear on why your organization needs to change is vitally important. Maybe market conditions have changed. Maybe you've come up with new goals that demand a complete corporate or department overhaul to create the conditions for success. It could be that today's problems are tied to your organization's current state and can't be solved without change. Whatever the reason, get clear and write it down. Then make sure your entire change management team knows exactly why this change is necessary. Clarity in the early stages will bring about clarity later. Build Roadmap and Timeline with Clear Milestones and Owners Create a roadmap and timeline with clear milestones. Break the plan down into a series of smaller projects and identify the owners and deadlines of those projects. Bring project captains in to collaborate and align with the goals. Once every detail has been cared for, make sure project captains can visualize the plan from start to finish, and everyone is on the same page. Communicate the Initiative to the Entire Company Communicate the initiative and the reasons behind it to the entire company. Chances are, a portion of the staff will resist the proposed change. Remain humble and human. Stay open and receptive as you listen deeply to feedback. Put yourself in their position, and you'll understand their view. Ask for solutions to their concerns and bring those suggestions into the plan if they make sense. This type of approach wins hearts and minds and redirects energy that could have fueled dissent into an attitude more prone to embrace the rationale and steps that have been laid out. You will create allies instead of detractors. If you communicate your plan from their perspective and not solely yours or the company's, you will also allow employees to see the benefits of the change not only for the organization, but also for themselves.


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