STEP 4: READOUT / DECISION Once the capability model has been reviewed for accuracy and polished, it is presented to the stakeholders. The time required to prepare the model from the beginning of discovery to report readout averages around four weeks. Actual time depends on many variables.
Stakeholders must also review results of the legal, nancial, and other areas not included in this report. Once they do, they may circle back to probe and explore certain areas deeper.
A decision to back o or move forward on the deal will come at some point after every question has been answered.
The capability model remains extremely useful in the event the merger or acquisition proceeds. The ndings in the report evolve into the basis for an integration plan.
As the contract is being negotiated, thought should be given to integration so that your team can begin the process before the ink has dried. Use the capability model to identify which platforms, processes, and departments need to be changed or netuned to integrate seamlessly into your success plan. Key players, processes, and systems have already been identied. Your integration team will now use this information as they proceed with standup. KPI and other measurements during this phase, and after operations fully begin, will provide a clear view of whether or not goals are achieved. Sub-components of an integration plan should include project, communication, and change management plans. Each plan spells out the details of each step, the timeline, and identies the owners as well. These will help smooth and sooth problems such as revenue dips, culture collisions, job fears, low morale, lowered productivity, and other roadblocks. See our blog on Change Management for more details.
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